匿名さん(って英語の方!)から、アドバイスを頂いています。<(_ _ )>
匿名さんは、ナントSimFonIA Teamの方でした。大変心強いのですが、英語のスキルが無い私は、どうしましょう?(((( ;゚д゚)))
返信削除I have just seen your animation with SimFonIA Animation Tools, it looks very promising!
Just a little advice: when you import a model (for example the girl), put it in your new model and then you have to click on the "register component" button of SAT tool bar (this is the button with a "C").
If you make that all your transformations will work.
You should read the document "Export_Animation" .You will find it in the SAT website http://www.simfonia.fr/SAT/documentation.php
SimFonIA Team
Thank you for the wonderful tool.
返信削除Although I do not have English skill, I do somehow and I do my best in me.